It's cloudy here. Overcast. A bit rainy. Perfect weather to stay in and dream. If I could, I'd be tucked into the corner of a really comfy sofa right now, in my PJs, drinking something hot {like the Wild Blueberry Tea I enjoyed last night at Caffe Gelato in North Canton}, and skipping from blog to blog on my laptop.
Just in case you're desirous of some quiet inspiration this afternoon, I thought I'd share this design quiz I found on Melissa Michaels' wonderfully fun and totally down to earth blog, The Inspired Room. {If you don't already know Melissa, stop by and say hello and be sure to tell her Abby from THE BLISSFUL sent you.} And to give credit where it's due, I should mention that Melissa came to this quiz by way of the gorgeous design blog {this is glamorous}--how's that for a blog name? Take a look!
But back to the design quiz: all you have to do is click on the photo that represents your answer to each question. At the end, the website generates a thoroughly detailed portrait of your {apparent} design tastes, along with a "label" that could best describe your style.
The quiz tells me I'm a Pot-Luck Pro. Here was my description {and tell me this doesn't sound like the shop}: You love to indulge the senses, to pamper and prettify. Just as feminine iconography ranges from the Junoesque to the gamine, from English apple blossom to vampish vixen, so can feminine interiors be expressed in myriad styles. . .You're a maverick [ooh...I'm maverick-y], blending a melting pot style that's all your own. . .What might end up looking like chaos if other people tried it has harmony and style in your capable hands. . .You revel in the juxtaposition of furnishings and objects that have caught your eye. Who needs rules when you've got great style?
Try it, have fun. . .and let me know your results!
Hi Abby! Thanks for mentioning that fun design quiz! Glad you enjoyed it too :-)
Big hugs to you!!!!
great quiz! I think mine was right-on, too:
You're a real magpie, always on the look-out for things that will add happiness and personality to your retro-styled home. You love to mix old and new to create an interior design cocktail that's easy, fun and whimsical.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Abby. The design quiz was fun. My result was "Bohemian Rhapsody." The name is pretty fitting for my style, but the description not so much:
No one would ever accuse you of restraint when it comes to decorating and furnishing your home. You're a real glamour puss, never happier than when an opportunity arises to add another flourish of theatrical pizzazz to your home. We're not saying you're a drama queen, really...!
I wouldn't really consider my style to be glamorous--there isn't a chandelier or ornate mirror to be found in my house!
That was fun and spot on. "Family Modern" :
Your home confidently embraces the many needs of busy, family life. It's adaptable and easy to live with, reflecting your sense of style without having to banish the kids to the attic or basement. You're sensitive to elements of design such as colour, light and architectural detail, mixing items that are relatively disposable with other pieces that in time will become family heirlooms.
Kelly McG
Thanks to all for sharing your profiles. Kelly McG, you know I've been in your home a number of times, and this IS right on. Eerie, isn't it?
Keep 'em coming, ladies!
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